I provided them will two directions for the magazine.
One minimal and one vintage, to get their feedback on their preferences and what they think will make them want to buy the finished product.
This focus group was essential for me to gather important information about my target market, so I can meet their demands, and make a magazine that could sell.
Direction 1
A minimal and feminine concept that is modern and fashion forward. This concept was my initial direction for the magazine in my proposal.
Focus groups opinion:
-Loved the colour scheme
-Feminine quality
-Modern, minimal and ideal for fashion concious women.
-Simple styling, easy for readers to copy
-Not very unique, as a lot of magazines have similar style
-Not versatile
-I will be restricted to the minimal style for images, wouldn't be able to explore other trends
Direction 2
A vintage, quirky, and feminine direction. That makes references to past eras in styling.
-Quirky and unique
-Imagery is more inspiring and intriguing
-Styling is different from the minimal mainstream magazines
-More Versatile with this style
-More available to explore different trends and reflect inspiration from different eras
-Vintage style can look old fashioned when not done right
-Harder to link to feminism and feminist topics with a vintage style magazine
-Chance for magazine to look 'too girly' for its audience if images aren't executed right.
The overall favourite choice from my target market is direction 2, as it is a more interesting and versatile style that I can interpret in my own way. Focus group concluded they will find this style more appealing and will want to purchase a magazine with this vintage aesthetic.
I also asked my target market, what attracts them to a magazine?
A eye-catching cover with colours that stand out on the newsstands.
Cover image is 'pretty' and 'appealing to the eye'
Magazine name suggestions for a vintage quirky magazine:
-Violet and Pearl
-The vintage magazine
-Vintage Muse
The favourite was Verity as it is short, sweet and quirky. Suiting the style of the magazine.
Other questions asked for knowledge and understanding of the demands of my target market:
much of a feminist are you?
"I consider myself a feminist, I find the topic very interesting and feel it needs to be celebrated and encourage more women to read up about it"
"I think most people, including men are feminists now, or at least have a feminist view on something"
you buy a fashion feminist magazine? And Why?
"Yes, I would love to be know there is a fashion feminist magazine available on the market. I would buy it on a regular basis"
"It would be refreshing to have something different on offer when I go to buy a magazine, and I would definitely buy one with a feminist angle to it"
appeals to you in a fashion magazine?
"In a fashion magazine, I like to have visuals and images of latest trends that I can get inspired by"
"I like a mixture of fashion imagery, and articles that I find interesting and are easy to read. Anything to do with feminism I enjoy reading"
you prefer a more visual or written magazine?
"I prefer a more visual magazine yes, probably 70% visual and the rest informative content"
you prefer a lighter read/thinner magazine or a heavier/thicker magazine?
"I think lighter magazines are more accessible, and portable as I tend to get a magazine for when I'm traveling."
"A lighter magazine is much nicer and easy to carry around, and for a light read. I don't like to read anything too heavy and bulky"
the content, what do you find interesting to read about?
"I would be interested about feminist topics on fashion, make-up, or even film"
"Personally, I like to read something that is though-provoking but also light-hearted. Something that is inspiring"
female figures you find empowering and inspirational?
"Marilyn Monroe, because she embraced being curvy and womanly"
much are you willing to pay for this type of fashion magazine?
"Depending in how many pages, if its 40-50 a light read, then around £3, but if its a heavier read, I would expect to pay £5"
"I think £3-£4 would be reasonable"
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